Strengthen Unity With Us

Strengthen Unity With Us

We aim for one goal: strengthening unity in Christ through two methods. We teach biblical unity and invest in collaborative efforts within the body of Christ. Our top needs are for partners who help strengthen unity in the body of Christ with us in multiple ways.

Become a Partner

Partner Benefits

Strengthen these Collaborations

We are regularly engaged in multiple collaboration efforts. Below are organizations and projects we could use your help with. Let us know if you are interested in strengthening unity in the body of Christ through one of these projects with us.

Interested in our collaborations?

Let us know how we can serve you, and we’ll do our best to help.

Contact Us

inHoPE Media

This is our second greatest area of need. We need help curating content and expanding our reach online. If you would like to develop and share skills in editing (writing), photography, videography, web design, and/or social media management, we could use your help to strengthen unity in the body of Christ through media. Let us know if you are interested, and we will be in touch soon.

inHoPE Media

Widows' Well

Can you help widows and single moms experience love and support from the body of Christ in times of need? Let us know how you would like to help.

WW Collaborate

Teaching Unity

Sometimes sharing the podcast or social media isn't enough. Invite us to teach about unity in the body of Christ and discuss what that looks like in your context. 

Contact Us

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