Balaam's Donkey

Balaam's Donkey

A thought from Balaam and his donkey in Numbers 22

Sometimes, we are Balaam's donkey. The sins of others hurt us. Sometimes they feel we have done wrong to them. They do not know what we see and know, and we are not in a position to tell them. They are not wrong that our actions could be seen as an offense. Nevertheless, we are hurt by their assumption.

Are You an Ass?

Ass (donkeys) are notoriously stubborn animals. It was likely this reputation that Balaam projected onto his donkey. Assuming the donkey was disobedient and obstinate, he stuck him. The donkey was indeed stubborn, but for Balaam, despite Balaam. Yet it was considered an offense because Balaam did not see what the donkey saw. Are you a donkey, someone in a category with a reputation? Maybe you are "too young." Perhaps you are "too old". Maybe you are "too emotional" as a girl or "too apathetic" as a guy. Perhaps you're untrustworthy as a minority or entitled as a majority (These I leave unquoted because we wouldn't say them out loud). Whether we recognize it or not, our brains naturally create categories to process information and keep us safe. We need to be intentional about recognizing our underlying assumptions, or we could find ourselves as Balaam, sinning against those who are serving us, instead of the Donkey whom God vindicated. Being the donkey means doing the right thing even when those you serve would say you are wrong and even attack you. We do the right thing not because we are sure God will bring it to light in this life but because we know God sees, and it's before Him that we want to be right.

Incompatible Reputation

A mentor of mine likes to say we should carry ourselves in such a way that when others slander us, their lies are incongruent with our reputation. Balaam's donkey was able to point toward his past behavior, and Balaam had to admit his assumption did not match. It was at that moment that God revealed the truth, and Balaam was able to recognize it. This was possible because of the donkey's reputation and Balaam humbly admitting to the donkey's good reputation. Truth and humility share a positive correlation. Where there is humility, the truth can be found. Where there is pride, truth is in short supply.

Security and Grace

Balaam immediately points to being embarrassed (made a fool) as the cause of his angry outburst and quick discipline of the donkey. It seems like Balaam struck out from a place of insecurity. You see, when we are insecure, we are less likely to extend the kind of grace that could lead to vulnerability and others questioning us. When we are secure like Jesus, we can extend the grace that calls us into question and gives others the opportunity to hurt us again. The donkey was secure in himself and what he was doing. This allowed him to extend grace to Balaam, protecting him from the Angel despite Balaam's protest against it. 


That's right, I encourage you to be more like an ass.


  1. Insecurity leaves little room for grace
  2. Be mindful of the categories we place others in
  3. Are you stubborn enough to do what's right, even when others attack you for it?
  4. Truth is hard to find alongside pride.
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