Less Than

Less Than

Have you felt less than? (Ps 22)

But I am a worm and not a man,

scorned by mankind and despised by the people.

Ps 22:6

It is believed that Jesus references Psalm 22 when on the cross. Striking correlations make it reasonable to see how Jesus would identify with this Psalm. Yet, this is not just a man, but the perfect man. Not just a perfect man, but the Son of God. Not just the son of God, but the Lord and King of Heaven. Not just the Lord and King of Heaven but the Radiance of the Glory of God. Not just the radiance of the Glory, but the exact imprint of his Nature. Not just the exact imprint of his nature, but the word of God made flesh. Not just the word of God in the flesh, but Immanuel, God with us. Not just God with us but the eternally self-existent I Am: who was there with the prophets, there in the lion's den, there in the fiery furnace, there with David against Goliath, there with Joshua at Jericho, there with Moses before Pharaoh and the sea, there before Abraham, there before Adam and Eve, there at the beginning when the word created all things. There in the beginning as the word, there with God, there as God. Yet if He were identifying with this Psalm, then at this moment, He felt like or felt treated like less than a man... Have you ever felt less than? Have you ever felt treated less than? Have you ever felt despised, rejected, ashamed, overlooked, unseen, unheard, or unlovable?... He knows, better than you may think, He knows. How He felt in that moment and how others treated Him didn't determine or change who He was or His relationship with the Father. How you feel and how others treat you doesn't determine or change who you are. You are loved, you are heard, you are seen, you are chosen, you are honored, you are pursued, you are adored, you are His. 


  1. Read Psalm 22, imagining Jesus feeling this way and thinking these things at Calvary.
  2. He understands better than you may think.
  3. Who you are and your worth is not determined by how you feel or what others think.
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